If the College won’t rectify its unlawful conduct so that meaningful progress can be made at the bargaining table, we are going on strike.

Strike date: Thursday, March 27

Political Support for our fight for a fair contract

Fight for a more equitable Wellesley

For decades, non-tenure track faculty have come together to ask for better working conditions: fair compensation, improved reappointment guidelines, consistent contract lengths, reasonable teaching loads, membership on committees, recognition within the Strategic Plan and a more secure future at Wellesley. Our collective action over the past few years has resulted in measurable gains, yet the system that exploits our labor remains intact and relatively unchanged. Now, after an overwhelming majority of eligible faculty voted YES, we have formed our Union.

Image of FIP faculty and supporters at a community event

No longer defined by what we are not, we are proud to call ourselves the WOAW faculty – the Wellesley Organized Academic Workers!

More than 85% of eligible NTT faculty have signed a union authorization card and an overwhelming majority of eligible faculty voted to authorize our union (90-8).

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Reach out to an organizer by filling out our contact form.