Lies and tricks will not divide, we are standing side by side!

How will the College Respond?

From the beginning of our campaign to unionize, the College has engaged in anti-union tactics and communication. In the last several months while bargaining, the College has spread misinformation and characterized our demands (such as a childcare benefit of $5000/year and a living wage) as unrealistic. When we held our Strike Authorization Vote, rather than respond in bargaining to avert a strike, the College offered tenured and tenure-track faculty pay to cover our classes.

The College’s tactics are the oldest in the book. Take a look so you know what to expect. And remember, it has never worked on us.


Threats of reprisals including about cancellation of health insurance, loss of summer work, leaves, sabbaticals, or favors.

Request for work certification

Asking or requiring members to certify that they are working or on strike—these requests should be ignored.

Attempting to cover your work

Offering extra pay to one group to “scab” or substitute for striking workers. For instance, offering extra pay to tenured and tenure-track faculty to cover for striking faculty. Scabbing undermines our strike and should not be done.


Slander against Union leaders and fellow strikers aimed at causing dissension, and against the integrity of the Union itself.

Defeatism, lies about returning to work

Communications arguing that a strike cannot be won, is failing, or isn’t worth the effort. Lies to the effect that a “group” is going back to work tomorrow.

False public accounts

False and misleading accounts in the press or to the community that are aimed at undermining our determination or persuading strikers to return to work early.