An update on titles

This morning a lawyer from the College’s bargaining team emailed us with an updated proposal on titles (read here). The entirety of their email said:

Upon consideration of yesterday’s discussion over the title “Master Lecturer,” and having listened to the group’s concerns about the term, the College has revised its counterproposal to replace “Master Lecturer” with “Principal Lecturer.” We apologize for any unintended upset the counterproposal may have caused.

This shift in direction demonstrates the power of our voices—both at the bargaining table and outside of bargaining (read our most recent bargaining update here). While we are glad that the College has adjusted its language we remain disappointed that, when faced with questions and pushback and when given several opportunities to clarify or redact their offer at the table yesterday, the College’s bargaining team chose to unequivocally defend the title of “Master Lecturer.” Additionally, their much-needed retraction of racist language fails to address the fundamental issue behind title changes: we deserve titles that communicate our roles as dedicated faculty who are integral to Wellesley’s educational mission. Our students suffer when our recommendation letters are discounted because our titles do not match our roles. 

This discussion on titles is part of a larger, ongoing disagreement between the Union and the College on the importance of rejecting discrimination and providing protections from discrimination and harassment. Wellesley can and should set standards that protect and promote the advancement of women in higher education.  

Together we can help Wellesley live up to its stated values of Empowerment and Social Change. Nearly 60% of WOAW faculty have signed our letter in support of protections against discrimination and harassment. The list of signers from tenure-eligible faculty and other community members is growing. If you haven’t already, sign it here and share it with a friend, colleague, student, or alum in the Wellesley community 

As always, you can find all of the proposals passed in bargaining here, and find all of our bargaining updates here.

Your bargaining committee,
Erin Battat, Lecturer, Writing Program
Deb Bauer, Senior Lecturer, Neuroscience
Katie Hall, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Physics
Mike Mavros, ISL, Chemistry
Christa Skow, Senior ISL, Biology


Wellesley News writes about our fight for protections from discrimination and harassment


Update #9: We reject discrimination