We reached an election agreement with Wellesley!
Exactly three weeks ago, we filed for an election with the NLRB. On December 12, Wellesley College filed a Statement of Response to our petition and objected to more than forty-members of our unit. In response, we have seen shows of solidarity from undergraduates and tenured and tenure-track faculty in the form of letters to administration, social media posts, raising awareness in meetings, an article in the Wellesley News, and a huge showing of support at our Sip Nā Solidarity event. During this past week, the College began exchanging proposals with us in an attempt to reach an election agreement and to avoid going to a lengthy (and expensive) hearing with the NLRB.
We are excited to announce that we have reached an election agreement with the College. In this agreement, we won many titles the College originally objected to, including directors who do not act as supervisors and Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows. In consultation with PERA, we agreed to exclude PERA faculty as many head coaches act as supervisors. Otherwise, we only agreed to exclude faculty who act as supervisors or who do not share a community of interest with Faculty on Term Appointments and Instructors in Science Labs.
We are excited to announce we will have an election on Monday and Tuesday, January 29-30, 2024, where eligible faculty will be able to vote for our union. Look for more information soon, and please reach out if you have any questions or would like to get involved.