Session 20 Bargaining Update: It's crunch time
Dear Members,
Our Bargaining Committee came ready to get down to business with 7 proposals. We reasserted our 4 course workload and proposed a competitive counter on compensation. We proposed $90,000 as a starting salary and we are willing to hold the line. We are serious about working to prevent a strike.
The College passed 6 proposals and we were disappointed that they continue to reject our positions with no rationale on key sticking points: Tuition and Fees, Dependent Care, Tax Assistance, Foreign National Employees, Union Rights and Access, and Communications About students. Specifically, the College said they are “not interested” in a childcare benefit because they are unwilling to give to other employees at the College and so unwilling to give to bargaining unit employees. The College also rejected the Tuition Grant benefit, stating it was their final position with no rationale.
We were disappointed that the College came with a refusal to counter on a slate of proposals that are critical for our unit:
Academic Freedom (not willing to change the current statement)
Relocation Support (will not consider, flimsy excuse that you relocate before starting work)
Mortgage Benefit (will not consider, did not provide explanation)
Additionally, the College is stalling on these proposals:
Titles (no rationale for their objections to our preferred titles)
Privileges (they don’t want to give us free parking, among things that are status quo)
To date, the College has also refused to counter Union Security (critical for the functioning of the Union) and Appointment Security (crucial salary protection if classes are under-enrolled), which we passed in May and July, respectively. Refusing to negotiate these subjects is unlawful and we are ready to hold the College accountable.
We will only win a strong contract and avert a strike by coming together with the rest of the College community and showing the College that we are willing to fight for the contract we deserve. The College acknowledged that they need to justify the compensation numbers to key decision makers – the President, Senior Leadership, and Board of Trustees. We need to make sure these decision makers hear our perspective voices, too. We need all hands on deck to make our voices heard. Click here to take critical action steps towards the contract we deserve.
Our next bargaining session is Tuesday, March 4 from 1-5pm. RSVP here.
In solidarity,
WOAW Bargaining Committee
Mike Mavros, ISL, Chemistry
Christa Skow, Senior ISL, Biology
Erin Battat, Lecturer, Writing Program
Katie Hall, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Physics
Deb Bauer, Senior Lecturer, Neuroscience