Session #14: Three more agreements!
We tentatively agreed to three more articles today! We won the right to grieve violations of the intellectual property policy, salary protections when courses are canceled, and access to shared workspace and materials that are vital to our teaching and scholarly activities. Our success today shows how our members’ presence in the bargaining session helps our bargaining team to make progress at the table. This is our contract. No matter what the College proposes, it’s up to our members to decide what we will accept and what we will fight for. Ultimately it is all of us – our members – who will vote to ratify our contract.
Read a little more about our wins (and as always, you can find complete proposals on our bargaining tracker):
In our IP article, we won the right to grieve violations of the College’s intellectual property policy.
In addition to establishing a fair and transparent process for course assignments, we won crucial protections in the event of course cancellations. The College initially proposed that when a course is canceled, they have the right to reduce our compensation. We remained firm that reduced pay– unfortunately the status quo–is not acceptable. Now, if a course is canceled, we may be reassigned a course to maintain a full teaching load or take on a curriculum development project rather than lose compensation. We were able to hold firm and win these important protections for our members’ financial stability because of your engagement and presence in bargaining sessions.
We won several important improvements in Workspace and Materials including:
All software used for teaching will be installed on classroom computers at least four business days prior to the start of each semester
BUEs will continue to have access to all shared equipment, computing technology, and instrumentation for research and teaching
BUEs cannot be denied access to high performance computing without written justification
Computers will be replaced at a time that is agreeable for each faculty every four years.
Our next bargaining session is Thursday, December 5 from 1-5 PM. Look for more information and an RSVP form soon.